
GET /?Action=DescribeInstances

Describes one or more of your instances.
If you provide one or more instance IDs, this action returns a description for all of these instances. If you do not provide any instance ID, this action returns a description for all of the instances that belong to you. If you provide an invalid instance ID, an error is returned. If you provide the ID of an instance that does not belong to you, the description of this instance is not included in the response. The refresh interval for data returned by this action is one hour, meaning that a terminated instance may appear in the response.
You can use the Filter.N parameter to filter the described instances on the following properties:

  • architecture: The architecture of the instance (i386 | x86_64).

  • availability-zone: The Availability Zone of the instance.

  • block-device-mapping.attach-time: The attach time for a BSU volume mapped to the instance (for example, 2016-01-23T18:45:30.000Z).

  • block-device-mapping.delete-on-termination: Indicates whether the BSU volume is deleted when terminating the instance.

  • block-device-mapping.device-name: The device name for a BSU volume (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).

  • block-device-mapping.status: The status for the BSU volume (attaching | attached| detaching | detached).

  • block-device-mapping.volume-id: The volume ID of a BSU volume.

  • client-token: The idempotency token provided when launching the instance.

  • dns-name: The public DNS name of the instance.

  • group-id: The ID of the security group for the instance (only in the public Cloud).

  • group-name: The name of the security group for the instance (only in the public Cloud).

  • hypervisor: The hypervisor type of the instance (ovm | xen).

  • image-id: The ID of the image used to launch the instance.

  • instance-id: The ID of the instance.

  • instance-lifecycle: Indicates whether the instance is a Spot Instance (spot).

  • instance-state-code: The state of the instance (a 16-bit unsigned integer). The high byte is an opaque internal value you should ignore. The low byte is set based on the state represented. The valid values are -1 (quarantine), 0 (pending), 16 (running), 32 (shutting-down), 48 (terminated), 64 (stopping), and 80 (stopped).

  • instance-state-name: The state of the instance (pending | running | stopping | stopped | shutting-down | terminated | quarantine).

  • instance-type: The instance type (for example, t2.micro). For more information, see Instance Types.

  • The ID of the security group for the instance.

  • The name of the security group for the instance.

  • ip-address: The public IP address of the instance.

  • key-name: The name of the keypair used when launching the instance.

  • launch-index: The index for the instance when launching a group of several instances (for example, 0, 1, 2, and so on).

  • launch-time: The time when the instance was launched.

  • monitoring-state: Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance (disabled | enabled).

  • owner-id: The 3DS OUTSCALE account ID of the instance owner.

  • placement-group-name: The name of the placement group for the instance.

  • platform: The platform. Use windows if you have Windows instances. Otherwise, leave this filter blank.

  • private-dns-name: The private DNS name of the instance.

  • private-ip-address: The private IP address of the instance.

  • product-code: The product code associated with the OMI used to launch the instance (0001 for Linux/Unix | 0002 for Windows | 0004 for Linux/Oracle | 0005 for Windows 10).

  • ramdisk-id: The ID of the RAM disk.

  • reason: The reason explaining the current state of the instance. This filter is like the state-reason-code one.

  • requester-id: The ID of the entity that launched the instance (for example, Cockpit or Auto Scaling).

  • reservation-id: The ID of the reservation of the instance, created every time you launch an instance. This reservation ID can can be associated with several instances when you lauch a group of instances using the same launch request.

  • root-device-name: The name of the root device for the instance (for example, /dev/vda1).

  • root-device-type: The root device type used by the instance (always ebs).

  • source-dest-check: If true, the source/destination checking is enabled. If false, it is disabled. This value must be false for a NAT instance to perform NAT (network address translation) in a VPC.

  • spot-instance-request-id: The ID of the Spot Instance request.

  • state-reason-code: The reason code for the state change.

  • state-reason-message: A message describing the state change.

  • subnet-id: The ID of the subnet for the instance.

  • tag-key: The key of a tag associated with the resource.

  • tag-value: The value of a tag associated with the resource.

  • tag:XXXX: The value of a tag associated with the resource, where XXXX is the key of the tag.

  • tenancy: The tenancy of an instance (dedicated | default | host).

  • virtualization-type: The virtualization type of the instance (always hvm).

  • vpc-id: The ID of the VPC in which the instance is running.

  • network-interface.description: The description of the network interface.

  • network-interface.subnet-id: The ID of the subnet for the network interface.

  • network-interface.vpc-id: The ID of the VPC for the network interface.

  • The ID of the network interface.

  • network-interface.owner-id: The ID of the owner of the network interface.

  • network-interface.availability-zone: The Availability Zone for the network interface.

  • network-interface.requester-id: The requester ID for the network interface.

  • network-interface.requester-managed: Indicates whether the network interface is managed by 3DS OUTSCALE.

  • network-interface.status: The status of the network interface (available | in-use).

  • network-interface.mac-address: The MAC address of the network interface.

  • network-interface.private-dns-name: The private DNS name of the network interface.

  • network-interface.source-dest-check: If true, the source/destination checking of the network interface is enabled. If false, it is disabled. The value must be false for the network interface to perform NAT (network address translation) in a VPC.

  • The ID of a security group associated with the network interface.

  • The name of a security group associated with the network interface.

  • network-interface.attachment.attachment-id: The ID of the interface attachment.

  • network-interface.attachment.instance-id: The ID of the instance the network interface is attached to.

  • network-interface.attachment.instance-owner-id: The account ID of the ID of the instance the network interface is attached to.

  • network-interface.attachment.device-index: The device index the network interface is attached to.

  • network-interface.attachment.status: The status of the attachment (attaching | attached | detaching | detached).

  • network-interface.attachment.attach-time: The time when the network interface was attached to an instance.

  • network-interface.attachment.delete-on-termination: Indicates whether the attachment is deleted when terminating an instance.

  • network-interface.addresses.primary: Indicates whether the IP address of the network interface is the primary private IP address.

  • network-interface.addresses.association.public-ip: The ID of the association of an External IP address with a network interface.

  • network-interface.addresses.association.ip-owner-id: The account ID of the owner of the private IP address associated with the network interface.

  • network-interface.addresses.private-ip-address: The private IP address associated with the network interface.

  • network-interface.association.public-ip: The External IP address associated with the network interface.

  • network-interface.association.ip-owner-id: The account ID of the owner of the External IP address associated with the network interface.

  • network-interface.association.allocation-id: The allocation ID. This ID is returned when you allocate the External IP address for your network interface.

  • network-interface.association.association-id: The association ID. This ID is returned when the network interface is associated with an IP address.


If you exceed the number of identical requests allowed for a configured time period, the RequestLimitExceeded error message is returned.

Body parameter

Required: false
Name: DescribeInstancesRequest

Name Description Required Schema Default Example


One or more filters. Example:
osc-cli fcu DescribeInstances \
  --Filter.1.Name "tag:KEYOFTHETAG" \
  --Filter.1.Value.1 "VALUEOFTHETAG"




One or more instance IDs.




The maximum number of results that can be returned in a single page. You can use NextToken to retrieve next results pages. This value is in between 5 and 1000. If you provide a value larger than 1000, only 1000 results are returned. You cannot specify both this parameter and the InstanceId parameter in the same request.




The token to request the next results page.



HTTP Code 200
HTTP Code Description Schema



Response 200

Response 200

Name Description Required Schema Default Example


The token to specify to request the next results page. If the value is null, there is no results left to be returned.




The ID of the request.




Zero or more reservations.

